Following a devastating storm in 2016, the roof of St Patrick’s Cathedral in Dublin was left in a state of disrepair. A recurrent grant from Benefact Trust is supporting its restoration, which is set to be one of the biggest conservation projects Ireland has ever seen.
St Patrick’s Cathedral is the National Cathedral of the Church of Ireland. Founded in 1191, it has been the heart of life in the city of Dublin for over 800 years.
The storm in 2016 was a blow to not only the cathedral but the city itself, leaving two gaping holes in the roof of this much-loved landmark. Following an appeal by the Dean for donations to fund roof repairs, and three years of intensive planning, the roof restoration project began in summer 2019.
Benefact Trust's annual grants to the cathedral have provided much-needed funding support, with the major restoration estimated to cost €9.5 million over the two-year project.
“St Patrick’s is almost as old as the Notre Dame. To stroll through it is really to take a stroll through Irish history. It is our view that we are just the stewards of these buildings and we hold them in trust for those that come after us. It is incumbent upon us to conserve and protect them to ensure they can delight and enthral generations still to come.” -Gavan Woods, Cathedral Administrator
The roof conservation project, which is the most significant the cathedral has undertaken in over 150 years, involves work to the upper roofs (including the replacement of all 12,500 slates!), cleaning and repair of clerestory windows and masonry repairs.
The first new slate was laid by the Dean on the nave roof in June 2020 and by April 2021, the roof of the Cathedral’s nave had brand new slates in place.
Benefact Trust's annual grant in 2020 has enabled the cathedral to continue to work through the pandemic, which inevitably put a strain on cathedral funds and the repair itself.
Despite the challenges of Covid-19, the restoration work is still set to be completed by summer 2021, in line with the original deadline.
Exciting news for Dublin, and for people all over the world, with the cathedral holding a special place in the hearts of many.