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News Growing impact in the Methodist Church

Growing impact in the Methodist Church

£760,000 has been awarded through Benefact Trust’s Methodist Grants programme, towards Connexional projects at the heart of the Methodist Church.

Benefact Trust’s Methodist Grants Programme – funded by donations from Methodist Insurance PLC – awards Connexional* grants every year to support large-scale projects that will enhance the mission and wider collaboration of the Methodist Church.

This year, the Methodist Grant Giving Committee awarded £760,000 to key initiatives within The Methodist Church in Great Britain, The Methodist Church in Ireland, and All We Can – a Methodist charity providing vital international aid. 

Find out more about the inspirational projects we’re supporting:

All We Can

All We Can is working in Liberia and neighbouring Sierra Leone, partnering with incredible organisations on the ground. 

Liberia is ranked 178 out of 191 on the Human Development Index, making it one of the most underdeveloped countries in the world. The country has experienced periods of political instability and civil conflicts, including two civil wars. These conflicts have caused widespread devastation, loss, and displacement. And poverty in Liberia is rife, with over 50% of people living below the national poverty line. Sierra Leone also faces major challenges with poverty and a lack of infrastructure. 

A £100,000 Methodist Grant will support All We Can’s partners in Liberia and Sierra Leone, including Self Help Initiative for Sustainable Development (SHIFSD) and Camp for Peace in Liberia (CFPLiberia). SHIFSD provides financial and educational training to 100 communities in Liberia to help farmers and other community members to improve their livelihoods. Whereas CFPLiberia works to eliminate violence in communities and promotes community healing and reconciliation.

The Methodist Church in Great Britain

The Methodist Grants programme has supported four Methodist Church in Great Britain projects with a combined total of £560,000.

The Way of Peace project is promoting good working relationships and managing conflicts within the church. The grant will be used to provide coaching, mediation and facilitated conversations with a view to be rolled out far and wide.

3Generate is an event that creates an inclusive and diverse space for children and young people to come together in a Methodist context. Funding will help to expand the provision for younger members between four and seven, and will grow the reach and impact of the event.

New Places for New People (NPNP) aims to plant many new Christian communities over the next five years. Methodist funding will help districts and circuits to start new communities, will resource courses for newly established communities, and will train Superintendent ministers in pioneering and church planting.

A grant will also support ministerial development through retreats, online learning and training opportunities.

The Methodist Church in Ireland

A £100,000 Connexional grant to The Methodist Church in Ireland will enhance the work of the North Eastern District Superintendent in a wide range of activities across the district and Ireland.

A new church has been planted in Portrush, which is made up of mostly young families. The majority of those attending have had little or no connection to the church before. The District Superintendent will help to nurture and grow this promising, new church.

In addition to this work, the Superintendent has been pioneering many new mission projects, helping them to flourish as well as encouraging outreach such as youth ministry and diversification of ministry.

We're proud to help fund key projects at a Connexional level, but Benefact Trust’s Methodist Grants programme also supports individual Methodist churches across the UK and Ireland. Find out more about our Methodist Grants.

*Connexional - Methodists belong to local churches or ecumenical partnerships, but also feel part of a larger connected community, the Connexion. This sense of being connected makes a difference to how the Methodist Church as a whole is structured. 


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